SAP – Students Adoption Programme is conducted in our Vidhya Sagar Women’s College of Education periodically. This programme is conducted in our college with the aim of providing a college preparatory, faith based education to students which prevent them from so many obstacles that affect their education.
As an introductory session a meeting was conducted with the Faculty Members by the Principal.
Then periodically SAP sessions are conducted in our college. Every Faculty member has a session with a student individually. The students freely express their experiences, thoughts, problems in those sessions. It is in a discussion & Interaction Pattern. And according to the problems faced by the students suggestions are given by the Faculty Members in the form of Guidance in Various aspects such as Academic, Personal, Vocational & Health, Personality related, Social related, emotions etc.
Then after the session the Mentor (Faculty Members) submits a feed back and report about the session they had with the students.